
Ruger single six serial number 553332 what year made
Ruger single six serial number 553332 what year made

ruger single six serial number 553332 what year made

Find your model, check the serial number range for year. Ruger website, customer service, historical data, revolvers. Read More What is the year of your ruger single six- serial number 4558107? What is the year of your ruger single six- serial number 125689? What year is ruger 44 magnum serial mumber 26011? Ruger has extensive serial number information on their web site. Read More What year is a ruger 1022 serial number 251-35370? Under customer service, you can access their database of year of mmanufacture by model, by serial number.With the serial number that you have supplied,your Ruger Single Six revolver was made in the year 1958. Read More What age is a ruger single six serial 107760? Go to the Ruger website, customer service, historical data, revolver, find your model, and there is a serial number/ year of production list.With the serial number that you provided,your ruger single six was made by ruger in 1982. What year was the ruger single six serial number 69-02472 made? 10/22 Magnum Rifle Caliber: Ruger does not necessarily produce firearms in serial number order.

ruger single six serial number 553332 what year made

Ruger 10/22, Ruger 10/22 value, Serial Number Lookup The Ruger 1022 is chambered in the 22 LR and as of 2012. My Single Six was born in 1990, and my Super Blackhawk was born in 2001. Here is a link to Ruger, and you can check the age of your Ruger firearm. It is not necessarily the very first serial number shipped, but it can be used to determine the approximate year your Ruger firearm was shipped. This number should be used as a point of reference only. Here is the serial number history from Ruger for the Old Model Single Six: Beginning Serial Number:Years of Production:36711131515191973 I bought a 'new model' at a pawn ship recently for 250.00.

ruger single six serial number 553332 what year made

Ruger Serial Number Year Of Manufacture.

Ruger single six serial number 553332 what year made